Friday, October 9, 2009

Better Communication: An Affair of Realism

Standing amidst of technologies and versatile economies, we experience a thirst for learning and understanding complex innovations. Proper communication facilitates due encyclopaedism of concepts and happenings. Communication involves clear understanding of ideas, concepts, and the recipients' knowledge pulse.

Conceive before You Pursue

Mostly, communication skills are acquired through constant practice. Before communicating any idea, prepare a mind map of the idea or concept you intend to convey. You can literally jot down your idea in a paper. Jotting down in paper helps you to include more vital facts and to eliminate unnecessary information.

Stay Conscious to Stay on Track

While you are in the process of communication there are possibilities for aligning out of track. For example, you may exaggerate some concepts or diminish some ideas for making the communication more interesting. Beware of adding or eliminating ideas which may lead to misconception from the receiver's end. So, stay conscious with your ideas and intentions to stay right on track.

Deploy Right Techniques and Strategies

Good techniques and strategies stimulate better understanding of ideas or import the exact idea or concept to the receiver without any idea seepage or misconception. Employing the right techniques improves the communicator's morale as well as the receiver's knowledge base.

If the communication mode is a presentation or a text document, the communicator may include pictorial illustrations and graphs to the document. Illustrations ease the process of understanding new concepts. We could remember the pictures and plastic models of vegetables and animals shown by our nursery teachers. That's a happy and interactive learning isn't it?

Place Yourself into the Receivers' Shoes

Just have an idea of the knowledge level, education and skill sets of the intended audience. This will help you in framing the ideas and in delivering the ideas effectively. Put yourself into the receivers' shoes, so that you can be aware of what the essentials are and what are not.

Use Appropriate Channels

The communication medium plays a vital role in delivering ideas. Modern communication mediums improve efficiency of communication. In ancient days, birds were used to transport messages. There was less probability for the message to reach the intended person. Now-a-days, modern communication tools like telephone, internet, email, conferencing, networking and so on facilitate communication. Depending upon the importance, time, cost, and other factors the appropriate communication channel can be employed.

Strive Your Way to Success

The parameters mentioned above are not the only techniques to practice and execute effective communication. The list may be enhanced and developed rationally to meet the needs of dynamically changing environments.

Copyright © 2009-2013 Kumaraguru. All Rights Reserved.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Is Document Development Life Cycle (DDLC) A Least Travelled Road?

Whether it might be a proposal for a prospective client or a training program or content development for user assistance or preparation of company policies and procedures, document development is mandatory irrespective of the document form and features. Does document development adheres to the set standards and processes, is a million dollar question...

How is DDLC looked upon?

DDLC is a process in which a particular document is built employing a  set of functional parameters—analysis, document designing, writing, reviewing, usability testing, releasing and maintaining—in  a sequential order to achieve the desired, quality deliverable.


This is of course the first phase of DDLC. The prime focus of this phase is audience analysis and definition. Research is undertaken on the audience, their education level, technical understanding level etc. After careful analysis of the target audience the technical communicator will be comfortable in audience definition. The type of resources that can be involved, resource requirement and the budgetary factors are also analysed.

Document Design

Once the audience definition is completed, the actual planning phase begins. Here the technical communicators plan the the document design, look and feel, size, number of pages, header & footer, multi-media, illustrations, output types etc.


After making decisions on the design factors of the document the technical communicators play around with the software or the hardware to enlighten themselves with the features of the product or project. On getting adequate inputs about the product, the technical communicators sit for preparing the draft document.


Once the draft document is ready it is proof read and edited for spelling, grammar and consistency. The document is submitted to the Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) or the concerned technical person for reviewing the document for technical accuracy.

Usability Test

The document undergoes usability testing to check whether it satisfies the user objectives and needs or not.

Release and Maintenance

The completed document is released in the format as required by the clients or users. The copy of the released document is maintained in a secured repository after being assigned with a unique document ID and Version number.

Harmony with Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

In some of the organizations the technical communicators are involved in the earlier phases of SDLC. Often the technical communicator's role is felt when the product reaches the testing zone. From there the DDLC starts its journey of excellence.
It is necessary for the organizations to realise the need of enforcing DDLC along with SDLC for attaining customer satisfaction.

What's the reality? Is DDLC a least travelled road?

Of course the answer is yes.

Except a very few organizations, others are least worried of the document process and standards. In professionally managed organizations the standards are well set and duly implemented and hence the DDLC is inevitable to sustain client satisfaction. In organizations, where the standards are unknown or present in a dull, diminished form, the DDLC will be a matter of theory.

Some organizations only after receiving feedback on poorly constructed documents realize the need for DDLC. Mostly organizations are worried about the deadlines and not on the quality of the documents.

To achieve complete customer satisfaction and to win universal reputation the organizations should focus on DDLC.

Copyright © 2009 Kumaraguru. All Rights Reserved.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Technical Communication: A profession of challenges and surprises

For people of the present century, technology and its innovations are inevitable. Anything and everything witnessed around is an embodiment of technology. Without proper understanding of the artefacts or products the factor of comfortable existence becomes a burly issue. To address this issue of understanding complex technologies and to enlighten the folks with information a cluster of skilled, trained and prolific technical communicators has been implanted.

What does technical communication really implies?

Today's dynamic world of technology entails an array of individuals who can understand scientific, technical and complex information and can communicate that information into easily graspable bits to others. Technical communicators' community encompasses writers, instructors, editors, graphical artists, managers, mentors, and media experts who are all-pervading.

Transition from Technical Writing to Technical Communication

The evolution of technical writing is tremendous that it has conceived itself into a more comprehensive field of technical communication. Technical communicators serve as the bridge between the creators and the users.

Technical writing involves translating technical ideas initiated by scientists, programmers, specialists, developers and engineers into easily understandable information. Technical Communication involves not only writing, but designing the entire document which might include text, tables, maps, flow diagrams, graphs, chart, illustrations, and multi-media. This transition from technical writing to technical communication improves the quantity and quality of deliverables. The ultimate document might be a user guide or a tutorial or a sales presentation or a reference guide or an online help and the list of deliverables is endless.

Work and Lifestyle

Technical communicators spend a bulk of their time in activities like research, analysis, scheduling, designing, writing, editing, reviewing, discussions, meetings etc. In each of the activities mentioned above technical communicators encounter variety of obstacles and challenges.

Challenges and Solutions

Various challenges faced by technical communicators and the respective solutions to overcome the challenges are discussed below:
1. Research & Analysis
Problem/Challenge: Lack of facilities
Solution: Try to convince your management that research is a vital part of documentation cycle and the need for facilities like internet, existing documents and client interaction.
2. Planning & Scheduling
Problem/Challenge: Lack of deadlines and adequate inputs
Solution: Put yourself on track to get necessary inputs from the SMEs and Project Managers about the project, its importance, deadlines etc.,
3. Designing & Writing
Problem/Challenge: Lack of standards
Solution: Communicate with your superiors about the absence of standards and try to create standards for documentation. If the standards are present strictly apply them throughout your documents.
4. Editing
Problem/Challenge: Lack of editors
Solution: Request your colleagues to edit your documents. Learn the basics of copy editing. Try to improve the domain knowledge to perform technical editing of your document.
5. Reviewing
Problem/Challenge: Lack of review
Solution: Insist the importance of technical review of the document to the SMEs or developers. Remind them about the documents pending for review.
6. Discussions & Meetings
Problem/Challenge: Lack of recognition
Solution: Establish your presence by providing valuable and constructive ideas. Put forward your suggestions for improvement in the GUI and other aspects of the product or project.
7. Overall Documentation
Be consistent, concise, audience-friendly, simple and powerful.

Copyright © 2009 Kumaraguru. All rights reserved